Ehlers-Danlos Sucks

This is a sub-blog about a girl dealing with Ehlers-Danlos Type 3. I hope to help others while helping myself, my family and my best friend in talking about and gathering all the information that I can about this jerk of a disease.

I have another blog: that I started in 2008. My dad was diagnosed with a super huge brain aneurysm which he fought for almost 2 years. He won the battle of the aneurysm, but died due to complications of his treatment following the aneurysm removal. It is his story, in my perspective.

I believe that he had undiagnosed EDS and this caused his aneurysm. I want to be heard and I want the medical community to take notice and to understand that this disease isn't black and white. There are a ton of gray areas. Just because we don't look sick or necessarily feel sick doesn't mean we aren't!!

I hope to keep you interested, I want to hear your stories and I also hope to make you laugh.

Welcome to my blog!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Follow Up to Yesterday

According to the quote I got for the 640 dollar MRI, that was only for people WITHOUT insurance, which  didn't say that ANYWHERE on that website. When I called the SAME place to get a quote WITH insurance, it was 900.  Can you believe that???  I am sorry, but there is seriously something wrong with our insurance companies. Pieces of shit!

I decided to NOT get an MRI. I have had surgery on both of my ankles and I never had an MRI once. So, unless I am told that this will be a threat to my health if I don't get one, I am going to wait it out.

Have I told you how much I hate our health care and insurance structure???

*shakes head*

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