Ehlers-Danlos Sucks

This is a sub-blog about a girl dealing with Ehlers-Danlos Type 3. I hope to help others while helping myself, my family and my best friend in talking about and gathering all the information that I can about this jerk of a disease.

I have another blog: that I started in 2008. My dad was diagnosed with a super huge brain aneurysm which he fought for almost 2 years. He won the battle of the aneurysm, but died due to complications of his treatment following the aneurysm removal. It is his story, in my perspective.

I believe that he had undiagnosed EDS and this caused his aneurysm. I want to be heard and I want the medical community to take notice and to understand that this disease isn't black and white. There are a ton of gray areas. Just because we don't look sick or necessarily feel sick doesn't mean we aren't!!

I hope to keep you interested, I want to hear your stories and I also hope to make you laugh.

Welcome to my blog!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wow!! I Sooo Did What I Said I Wouldnt!!

I am such a jerk! I said I would't be one of those people who start a blog and then ignore it and I did!!! I feel so bad, but I do have a million excuses:

1. Im still dealing with a dog that has a broken leg.
2. She also has allergies and it's a fulltime job to keep her from licking, scratching and trying to not let her eat her cast.
3. I work a fulltime job.
4. I work another fulltime job!
5. Im planning a wedding.
6. Im reinventing my 2nd fulltime job since Im the owner.
7. Im trying to pay attention to my awesome fiance.
8. All my good tv shows have started back up.
9. Im sleeping.
10. I get tired of staring at the computer all day.

There! Those are 10 reasons as to why Im not on here. Its currently 2:13 AM, I cant sleep and here is a run down of my day tomorrow.

1. Early morning laundry
2. Test drive a new vehicle
3. Pick up nephew, go by bday presents.
4. Go to a 4 year olds party
5. Take nephew back home
6. Go shoot a wedding
7. Go to a dinner
8. Attend another wedding party
9. Go home and crash!

My ankle is better now, I gained some weight because of my injury so today I started the 17 Day Diet that Dr Phil raves about. My fiance started it too. I think I have broken the world record for pissing today since I think I have drunk enough water today to fill a childrens pool.

The weather is warming up here in old Iowa so I plan on getting my bike out. I am an avid bike rider. This last year was ruined because of the flooding. My trails were all under water and I dont like riding in the street by myself. I need to get back on my Twitter too. I wish there were more hours in the day!!!

Anyhoo, Im tired so Im going to turn in. I promise to pay more attention to you, Mr. Blog. Nighty night.

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